How to Renew Your Driving License in Kenya Using eCitizen

How to Renew Your Driving License in Kenya Using eCitizen

If there is one thing most Kenyans hate on the road – traffic police. They wave you over almost every other time, and even when you are confident that everything is fine, they somehow find a fault! The first thing they always ask for when you are in the wrong? Your driving license.

Woe unto you if it has expired! That’s the day you will call almost everyone in your phonebook before realising you have poor friends. The police will threaten you with “utalala ndani leo” that’s “you’re sleeping in a police cell today” for those who don’t understand Swahili. And of course, because you don’t want that happening, a bribe is what will automatically come to your mind.

You’re not alone. Countless Kenyans find themselves in this exact situation every day – and everyone always has a story. There’s the optimist, the one who squeezes their eyes shut, takes a deep breath, and whispers a silent prayer while driving past a roadblock, hoping they don’t get flagged down. 

Then there are those with creative excuses who’ll look everywhere before saying they forgot it at home (guilty as charged!).

But what is it really about Kenyans and expired driving licenses? Why do we do this? Is it the hassle of renewal? Or maybe we’re just too busy living life to remember such trivial details.

Whatever the reason, it’s time to break the cycle. Renewing your driving license doesn’t have to be a dreaded task anymore. In fact, it’s now easier than ever, thanks to eCitizen.

But before we have a look at a step-by-step guide on how to do it, you need the following to renew your DL:

  • A smartphone or a laptop with good internet connection
  • Details of your expired driving license
  • Driving License renewal fee charges

The process takes not more than five minutes.  

That said, here’s how to go about it.

How to Renew Your Driving License in Kenya

Driving in Kenya requires a valid driving license. Fortunately, renewing your license has been made easier through the eCitizen platform. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to renew your driving license in Kenya using eCitizen.

Step 1: Create an eCitizen Account

Before you can renew your license, you need an eCitizen account. If you already have an account, simply login to your account. If you do not have one, visit the eCitizen website and click on “Create an Account” 

You’ll need your National ID number and your first name as it appears on your ID. Follow the prompts to create your account.

Step 2: Access the NTSA Services Dashboard

Once you’ve logged into your eCitizen account, your details will show at the top of the dashboard and some information as shown below:

Click on the “Apply for a Driving License” option shown on the dashboard. You will be redirected to the NTSA portal.

Step 3: Choose “Renew” Driving License

On the NTSA dashboard, you’ll see Driving License details under your profile on the left menu. If your license has expired, you will get an option saying, “Renew”. Click on it.

You’ll be redirected to a page where you can proceed and fill in the required details. 

Step 4: Fill In the Driving License Details

Provide your driving license details. Under the “Type of Renewal” choose the type of license you have i.e. Red Book DL.

Fill in the details about your “Place of Birth” and “Blood Group”.

Proceed by filling in the rest of the details, that is, your country of residence, county of residence, and physical address.

Kenyan driving licenses can be renewed for one year or three years. Select the duration that suits you best. The system will automatically generate the amount you need to pay based on your selection.

Step 5: Upload Your Passport Photo and Confirm Details

On this step, simply attach your passport photo, in JPG or JPEG format. If you are a Red Book DL user, tick the box below the photo upload tab to review your details to ensure they’re correct. 

Then click “Renew”.

Step 6: Make Payment

Choose the option you want – a one-year renewal or a three-year renewal – then choose your payment method. eCitizen provides several payment options, including M-Pesa, Airtel Money, and debit/credit cards. Choose the one that’s most convenient for you, follow the prompts, and make the payment. The amount will depend on the duration you want to renew your driving license. You can renew it for a year and pay 600 shillings, or for three years and pay 1400 shillings. Each carries a service fee of 50 shillings.

Once you have paid, click the “Complete” button.

Step 7: Download Your Renewed DL

After successful payment, you can download your driving license. You can print it out and keep it with your other car credentials or save it in your phone and present it whenever you’re waved over by the police. 

It is as simple as that!

Bonus Tip: Don’t wait until the last minute! Renew your license well in advance so you’re not stuck explaining to that police officer why your license expired in 2019 (we’ve all been there too!).

Speaking of the road…

If you are looking to upgrade more than just your license, why not check out our selection of sleek, stylish, and (dare we say) fun cars here at Peach Cars?

Life’s too short to drive a boring car. Let Peach Cars help you find your perfect ride! Call us on +254 709 726 900 and let’s talk cars!

Note: This guide is based on the process as of the time of writing. Always check the eCitizen platform for the most current procedures and regulations. Happy driving!