Understanding Car Insurance: A Simple Guide To Buying Insurance For Locally Used Cars

You just bought a car from Peach Cars. You are ready to hit the road, whether to just enjoy a leisurely drive, run errands, or get to work and back home. But first things first. You need to get car insurance. 

Car insurance is compulsory for all motorists driving on Kenyan roads. But it also gives you security and peace of mind as you drive. This is why it’s important to understand your car insurance policy and the benefits covered under it. How will you know which car insurance plan is best for you? Well, read on. We’ll look at all the basics of car insurance, the types of car insurance in Kenya, and tips for choosing a motor insurance company to work with. 

Let’s dive right into it:

Why Do You Need Car Insurance in Kenya?

We’ve mentioned that motor insurance is compulsory for all cars on Kenyan roads. And to be honest, the only thing more traumatic than getting caught driving without insurance is vegetable samosas. But besides wanting to be on the right side of the law, there are many benefits to insuring your car. They include:

  • Protecting you from spending out of pocket for major repairs after an accident or reducing the amount of money you have to spend on a new car in case it’s declared a write-off. 
  • Reducing your liability when you cause an accident while driving. 
  • Knowing that your vehicle is insured, you can drive around with peace of mind, without being trapped in the constant fear that you will incur considerable costs in case of any damage to your car.
  • Most insurance companies maintain a large network of garages across the country. You can therefore easily access garage services when you need one.
  • More often than not, victims of accidents will attempt to sue you for damages or injuries. Legal fees can burn a hole through your wallet, but your insurance company can appoint a legal officer to represent you in court.

In a nutshell, car insurance offers you financial protection if you have an accident. No matter how careful you are as a driver, there are still many factors beyond your control that can lead to an accident. It helps to have a fallback plan, and this is the role that insurance plays.

Types of Motor Insurance in Kenya

Car insurance is taken by a car owner to protect their vehicle from damages or loss arising from an accident. It covers your vehicle against damages, total loss, theft, and third-party liability arising from an accident. 

There are different types of car insurance policies you can take up in Kenya. These are the main types of car insurance in Kenya:

1. Comprehensive Car Insurance 

Comprehensive car insurance typically covers you against damages to your car as well as third-party personal or property damages. It’s the top-tier car insurance for private car owners and extensively covers physical, financial, and legal liability risks. 

Depending on the insurer, some comprehensive covers offer additional benefits such as protection against political violence and terrorism risks. 

2. Third-Party Insurance Cover (TPO)

This is the minimum legal level of car insurance required for all cars in Kenya. Unlike a comprehensive cover, a third-party cover only protects you against liability to a third party in the event of an accident. It also covers you in case your car causes damage to another person’s property. 

However, a third-party cover doesn’t protect you against personal liabilities. If your car needs repairs after an accident, you’ll bear the full costs of the repairs yourself. It’s only ideal if you can meet the full cost of repairs without a claim and only protection for damages you may cause while driving.

3. Third-Party- Fire and Theft (TP&FT)

A third-party- fire and theft insurance cover offers the same protection as the TPO, but with added protection against fire and theft incidents. If your car gets stolen, or you damage or lose it in a fire incident, then the insurance company will compensate you for it. But you’re not covered if the fire incident is due to an electrical or mechanical breakdown. 

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What to Look For When Buying Car Insurance

It’s imperative to choose a good car insurance policy to protect you against any perceivable damages or loss to your car. So, you need to diligently do your research before settling on the type of cover to go for and with which insurance company to take a policy. 

Some of the factors to consider before buying a car insurance policy include:

1. The basic risks

You don’t have to be a risk assessment expert, but you should be able to gauge the basic risks you may face as a car owner. For example, is your locality prone to road accidents, car theft incidences, or natural disasters? This will help in determining not only the type of insurance coverage but also the add-ons to consider.

2. Range of cover

You can either buy insurance to meet your statutory obligations or pay for one with the intent of having a financial buffer in case of an accident. The latter will help you to save money in the unfortunate event of a mishap while driving. If you’re comfortable repairing or replacing your car after an accident without any help, you can take the basic TPO cover. 

3. Policy terms

One mistake that most car owners make is that they only read about the policy benefits and forget about the terms and conditions. But like every other financial contract, an insurance policy has both inclusions and exclusions. Inclusions entail what the policy covers, while exclusions are what the policy doesn’t. Ensure you understand both inclusions as well as exclusions. When comparing quotes from different insurance companies, put these into consideration too.

4. The type of car you own

Insurers have their own database of what types, makes, and models of cars are prone, or less likely, to incur claims. For cars that are likely to incur claims, they charge higher premiums. Or outrightly reject to cover them. True story (in 2022, APA Insurance stopped offering comprehensive covers for 28 models of Toyota, Honda, Maruti, Mazda, Nissan, and Suzuki cars. GA Insurance also stopped comprehensive insurance for six Toyota and Suzuki models). By the same token, you may receive discounts if you have a “safe” car- one with the latest safety features and a good safety record.

Tips for Buying Car Insurance That Fits Your Needs

The good news is that it’s now much easier to shop around for the best car insurance in Kenya. Information is readily available online. The bad news is that there are so many insurance companies in Kenya, it can be difficult to sift through them (and their various car insurance products) to settle for the ideal one. So here are a few tips that will help you to buy motor insurance that fits your needs:

  • Choose a provider with a wide network of garages: An insurer with a large network of garages ensures you can always access services across the country. You don’t want to be stranded in Kisumu because your insurer only works with garages in Nairobi. Insurance companies also receive discounted prices so it’s much cheaper to have them take charge of your repairs.
  • Ask about the inclusions and exclusions: Though the ‘comprehensive’ policy sounds all-encompassing, it doesn’t actually cover everything. Find out what your policy will actually cover and what you will need to pay extra for. For example, some companies include windscreen coverage as a basic component of a comprehensive cover while others have it as an add-on.
  • Always compare policies: Comparing different quotes, and policies, will help you make the right choice. Independently weigh the pros of each policy against the cons before making a decision. You can always consult the experts at Money254 for guidance on the financial aspect of auto insurance. 
  • Don’t ignore brand reputation: You don’t want a policy with an insurer who doesn’t pay claims. The Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) is a good place to start, especially for claims settlement statistics. You can also go through the company’s social media pages to gauge client satisfaction and their responses to complaints.
  • Insure your car based on its market value: Lastly, you should insure your car at its current market value. If you under-insure your car, you’ll be liable for a large part of the expenses in case of an accident. That can be financially crippling. Your insurer may do its own valuation of the car and come up with a figure below the market value, but the difference should be minimal. If it’s staggering, that’s your cue to consider a different insurance company. Or get a second opinion from an independent car valuer. 

Car Insurance FAQs

1. How do you calculate a car insurance premium?

Every insurance company has different insurance rates for different categories of vehicles. But you can calculate an estimate of how much it will cost to insure your car. Some general factors that might influence your premium rates include:

  • The car’s age
  • Car make and model
  • Anti-theft devices in the car
  • Its accident history 
  • Coverage level- the more coverage you want, the higher the premium

You can use online car insurance calculators to estimate your car insurance cost.

2. Why are certain cars almost always more expensive to insure?

Insurance companies often raise the premiums for certain types of cars, for example, sports cars. Outside influences, like vehicle-specific theft and fraud, can also impact premiums.

3. Should I inform my insurance if I make modifications to my car?

Modifications can change the parameters of your premium calculation. You should always inform your insurer if you make any changes to your car, especially major modifications such as body alterations, changes to the engine, braking and suspension system changes, and any other modifications made for sports or adventure purposes.

4. What affects the premiums for a locally-used car?

The condition of a locally-used car can affect the premiums you pay for it. This is why it’s important to buy quality locally-used cars from trusted car dealers. Some insurers also consider the car’s mileage, with the assumption that higher mileage means being more vulnerable to breakdowns.

5. What if the insurance company undervalues my car?

In some cases, the insurer may undervalue your car. There are also instances where the insurer gives the car a higher value than what you actually bought it for. Either way, you can always dispute the valuation and request a second opinion from an independent valuer. Keep in mind that the insurer’s valuation does not always reflect the actual value of the car.

For more information or questions on car insurance in Kenya, reach out to Bowman Insurance Agency.